According to a survery conducted by the Association of Foreign Investors in Real Estate, San Francisco ranks sixth worldwide for investment opportunities:
"For the U.S. and U.K., part of it is flying back to safety," says François Ortalo-Magne, a real estate professor at the Wisconsin School of Business. " For China and India, there's a sense that we went there and tried it, but it wasn't producing."
That makes 2009 the year of playing it safe and not chasing exotic opportunities in far-flung locations. It's even injected a sense of humility into the investing world...
For their part, the optimists think 2009 might be the year that sideline money starts to come back into the marketplace -- and, especially for the cities on this list, it will come back in a flood, not a trickle.
"There's a lot of money that needs to be invested," says François Ortalo-Magne. "The instant people feel an inkling of a turnaround, money is going to flow in."
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